SAF green power

SAF green power

Since its inception, SAF has considered central a strongly oriented vision towards the future. Industrial production, therefore, cannot (and must not!) be antithetical to environmental conservation and therefore to the protection of the future of the next generations. With this in mind, renewable sources today play a role of primary importance in pursuing the objectives of protecting the world ecosystem. SAF therefore, faithful to this which is not just a slogan, but a substantial part of the company objectives, has completed an energy renovation project by installing a photovoltaic system in its building. On the roof of its operative headquarters in Carbonate (Como – Italy), in particular, an array of 220 high-performance solar panels are already on-line. These panels are capable of providing up to 110 Kwp, which make it possible to fully satisfy the company’s energy needs. In these couple of winter weeks of use (the plant is on-line from february 2021), the data confirm that the emission of more than 1.000 kg. of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere was effectively avoided.

We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.

(Proverb of the Navajo people)
16 February 2021 News , , ,